Discovering Nature’s Classroom: Partnering with James Madison University Nestled between the borders of North Carolina and Tennessee...
Illinois State University: Embracing Change, Empowering Communities, and Cultivating Compassion As winter tightened its grip, a group...
Building Homes, Creating Hope: University of Montana’s Alternative Breaks Spring break often conjures images of beaches, parties,...
Widener University: Building Hope, One Hammer Swing at a Time In the typical narrative of Spring Break,...
Serve901: Igniting Change, Fostering Connections, and Exploring Memphis In the heart of Memphis, a city pulsating with...
Howard University: Empowering Communities, Inspiring Futures In the flurry of spring break season, where many college students...
Reindeer Herders: Preserving Ecosystems, Cultivating Resilience In the ethereal landscapes of Lapland, where darkness descends early and...
Unveiling the fungi Revolution: Nature’s Unsung Heroes in the Battle Against Climate Change In the intricate tapestry...
Navigating the Clouds: AI-Powered Solutions for a Greener Sky In the vast expanse of the sky, where...
Driving Change: Sacramento’s Bold Steps Towards Climate Action Sacramento, the bustling capital of California, is not just...