LuLu the heroic pig now known worldwide In 1998, a woman named JoAnn was pig-sitting Lulu for...
Norman, a courageous yellow Labrador Retriever who saved the life of a girl Norman was abandoned by...
A 12-year-old Girl Who Was Abducted and Beaten by Several Men Was Found Being Guarded by Three Lions
A 12-year-old Girl Who Was Abducted and Beaten by Several Men Was Found Being Guarded by Three Lions
Lions save an Ethiopian girl from kidnappers ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia: Three lions rescued a girl of 12...
The humpback whale protected Nan Hauser with its pectoral fin and by nudging her with its head...
Alhanna didn’t realize Keola was trying to save her Pets have this special sixth sense where they’re...
Scotland The Brave: traditional Scottish bagpipe music Scotland the Brave is a Scottish song considered by many to...
A history of the Aztec dance Among the Aztecs music, song, and dance played a very important...
History of Marching Band From regimental bands parading with and accompanying soldiers into battle during the Revolutionary...
The Haka: What it meands and why it’s performed The first hakas were created and performed by...
History of Taiko In Japanese, taiko literally means “drum,” though the term has also come to refer...