San Francisco International Airport embraces and values all voices, all minds, and all experiences. They don’t see things...
Diversity at General Electric General Electric(GE) is committed to employing a diverse workforce throughout the world, and...
Bank of America – A great place to work Inclusion is power Their diverse workforce comes from...
United Parcel Service’s (UPS) values are rooted in the diversity, equity, and inclusion Their diversity, equity, and...
Always follow your heart This world can pull us in so many different directions that we can’t...
Thank you for your kindness Kindness doesn’t cost a penny, yet has great value when given in...
Don’t Be Afraid To Make Mistakes This is perhaps one of the most important things we should...
Simple, Little Things That Make Life Better At the end of the day, it’s the little things...
Treat everyone with respect, even if you don’t agree with them If we look back in history,...
Don’t let other people steal our joy There are many “mini-lessons” within this one sentence, as we...