Without insects is a dull place without coffee and chocolate Some bugs chew up our lawns and...
Can animals predict earthquakes using their sixth sense? Some experts disagree about whether earthquakes can be exactly...
Baby river otter cubs learn to swim Mo, a North American river otter born at the Oregon...
Underestimating an emperor penguin is a mistake that might cost you dearly Penguins have an undeserved reputation...
Max II, formally known as Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller II, is the adorable elected leader of Idyllwild, California...
Dad protected his son throws himself in between the son and the raging bull BELTON, Texas –...
SebastopoSebastopol nonprofit holds goat ‘tree-cycling’ as fundraiser Their biggest fundraiser of the year was scrapped because of...
Heartwarming video shows Oshie reunited with his Marine mom This Golden Retriever, named Oshie, was missing his...
Specialist Andrew Brown said his dog, Rocky, “definitely saved my life.” Excitement. That’s the word U.S. Army...
Pakita reunited with owner slowly recognizes dad after years in shelter Just one sniff is all it...