Rocco Regalbuto saved his mother’s life
Danielle Regalbuto of Marlton, New Jersey, had a severe asthma attack as she got 7-year-old at that time Rocco ready for school.
On the floor and unable to breathe, she handed her cell phone to, Rocco, her son who quickly lived up to his favorite Superman hat.
“First I thought I needed to call Daddy,” Rocco said. “But Daddy was at work. Then I knew to call 9-1-1.”
He gave the dispatcher his address and father’s phone number and kept staying on the line with dispatchers while Police and Fire personnel rushed to the scene.
Rocco met Wade Stein, the operator on the other end of that 9-1-1 call. Stein praised Rocco’s calm demeanor, especially at such a young age.
Rocco’s father Jay also had words of praise for his son.
“I’m just really, really happy for him,” Jay said. “It’s something that was a bad situation. He kept so cool and calm.”
As Rocco and Danielle waited for medics, he returned to his mother. Incredibly, his brave instincts helped keep her calm.
“As a mother, it’s hard because when you’re on the floor like that and you’re vomiting and you’re trying to put inhalers in your mouth and you can’t breathe and then you feel like you’re going into panic attacks and your 7-year-old son is coming over rubbing your back,” said Danielle.
She has been preparing Rocco for an incident like this for three years. When he was just 4, she started teaching him how to dial 911, so he knew exactly what to do.
Police said this could have ended tragically if the boy had not reacted quickly and called 9-1-1.
“I hug my mommy a lot. Sometimes I don’t want to let go of her when I have to go to school,” said Rocco.
Fortunately, there would be many more hugs to come. Danielle, who’s doing better, said she’s not surprised by her little hero.
Meanwhile, Rocco was getting used to his new title.
“I am a real hero,” said Rocco, who said it makes him feel, “happy and a little nervous!”